The Latest News from High Energy Transport Inc.

We treat all of our customers like they were our very first

Increase Your HVAC Profit with High Energy Transport Inc.
Summer’s not officially here yet, but in Ontario and many parts of Canada we’ve already had our first heat wave of the season in May, w...
1 June 2022
Streamlining your BBQ Delivery Process
  Victoria Day marks the unofficial start of summer in Canada, and weather permitting, the start of the BBQ season. Nothing beats the taste o...
4 May 2022
Simplifying Outdoor Furniture Delivery to Your Customers
Spring is here and summer is just around the corner. For many Canadians this means spending as much time as possible outdoors in their backyards, o...
6 April 2022
Getting Your Non-Conveyables Out the Door
It would be an understatement to say that online sales have exploded over the past 2 years. Indeed, the CBC reported that online sales in Canada ha...
2 March 2022
Delivering 50,000 Large Screen TVs – Claim Free
  “We got to move these refrigerators, we got to move these color TVs” – Money for Nothing; Dire Straits, 1985   Ev...
2 February 2022

Word from Our Customers

Wow, these guys are great. I just met with the Sales Director to better understand what High Energy Transports commercial moving business. I could not believe the detail he went into about their many points of difference versus other commercial movers. I guess I should not have been surprised as they have won the Home Stars "Mover of the Year in ...

Patrick Palmer

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The Ultimate Checklist for a Smooth Office Relocation: Conquering the Move Without the Mayhem
For many businesses, office relocations are a bit like a storm on the weather forecast: you know it’s coming, yet people...
Beat the Heat: How to Deliver Massive Patio Umbrellas with Ease
Summer is finally here! Who doesn’t enjoy sitting on the deck with friends and family, enjoying a cold drink and relaxin...
Parker Strong